📄️ SICP Overview (Tracker)
Fortitudine vincimus
📄️ Lec 1: functional programming 1
Notes on setting up your IDE
📄️ Lec 1: Pluralizer Project
Writing a function in Scheme which can pluralize a noun. Based on a set of examples.
📄️ Lec 2: functional programming 2
Computer Science
📄️ Lec 2: Buzz Project
This demonstrates a function with the correct definition of:
📄️ Lec 2: Pig Latin Project
This is based on the rules for pig latin which I found on a pig latin translator website.
📄️ Book 1.1: The Elements of Programming
From Chapter 1: Building Abstractions with Procedures
📄️ Homework: Week 1
1. Explain why new-if will not work
📄️ Book 1.3: Formulating Abstractions with Higher-Order Procedures
From Chapter 1: Building Abstractions with Procedures